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M7 Discussion Board _Topics in Urban Sociology

M7 Discussion Board _Topics in Urban Sociology

Q For this module, you will listen listen to interviews and respond to two questions select from the list below and make your original post on the discussion board. Then, respond to one peer post of a fellow student. Michele Martin, NPR. “Labeled a ‘Terrorist,’ A Black Lives Matter Founder Writes Her Record.” • 7 Minutes o Link: (Links to an external site.) The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. DeRay Mckesson: "Protests Are A Means Of Telling The Truth In Public" • 7 Minutes o Link:DeRay Mckesson: "Protests Are A Means Of Telling The Truth In Public" (Links to an external site.) Hansi Lo Wang, NPR. “Amid 'Devastating' Progress Nationally, Black Lives Matter Engages Local Causes.” • 3 Minutes o (Links to an external site.) Draw on material in the chapter to answer at least 2 of the following questions. 1. Khan-Cullors explains that some have labeled her a “terrorist.” How does she react to this labelling, and how does this reflect her movements effort to challenges the values, norms, and institutions that the Black Lives Matter efforts are addressing? 2. When McKesson says “Protests are a means of telling the truth in public,” what does this mean and how does it underscore the third characteristic of urban social movements, that space is a part of the protest?

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1. As much as it is insensitive to label a minority community member as terrorists only because she chose to voice her opinion, it is also hard to deny what Khan-Cullors mentions when asked how she felt being labeled one. From time immemorial, African-Americans have been at the receiving end of labels and whenever they have chosen to protest and raise their voice, it has been attempted to shut them or demean them.